6th Annual Silver Key Donation Drive
The 6th Annual Silver Key Donation Drive for seniors in the Colorado Springs area was a smashing success! Thanks to your generosity, we filled our entire conference room with non-perishable food and sundries. Senger Design Group matched all donations!
Now that we’ve completed the donations for this year, we are already excited to gear up for next year!
Click here to learn more about Silver Key Senior Services or for a direct donation link
Here’s a link to last year’s successful drive: 5th Annual Silver Key Holiday Drive

Personal Sundries
Regular or travel sized products are advised.
Soap: bar soap, hand soap, body wash
Baby Powder
Emery Boards
Wash Cloths
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Shaving Cream/Razors
Aftershave, Cologne, Perfume
Denture Adhesive or Cleaner
Non-Perishable Items
Canned goods should be 24 oz or smaller, no bulk sizes as they can be cumbersome and excessive, especially for seniors living alone.
Ready-To-Eat Canned Meats
Canned Fruits, Vegetables, or Juices
Powdered or Condensed Milk
Soups – Canned or Dry Mix
Peanut Butter
Granola Bars
Trail Mix
Instant Coffee and Tea Bags
Prepackaged Beverages in Foil Packets or Foil-Lined Boxes
Canned Tomato Products: paste, sauce, diced, stewed, whole, pureed, spaghetti sauce, “sloppy joe” mix
Pet Food